How do I get referred?

Referrals are from community NNADAP workers, social workers and CFS workers.

How long is the program, and is there an overview of the treatment program?

The program is seven weeks in duration and our program is based on the seven teachings. For further information see our program schedule.

When is the next intake?

See our intake schedule for dates.

What do children and youth do during treatment?

Preschool children are in daycare from 9-4 while parents are in session.

School aged children and youth are in class during this time.

In the evening, a client support worker (CSW) looks after the children while the parents are in session, attending AA meetings or sweats. The children are welcome to join the parents for the evening sessions depending on their age. Family based activities are also planned for the evenings.

What should I bring?

  • indoor/ outdoor footgear;
  • clothing for sweats: dresses or shirts and skirts for females, shorts and shirts for males;
  • exercise clothing (Healing Lodge has a gym and work out room);
  • enough schoolwork for 7weeks brought from the home school for school aged children;
  • toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, feminine care, etc);
  • prescription medication properly labelled (kept in a locked cabinet);
  • sufficient funds to maintain toiletries (monies are kept in a locked cabinet);
  • diapers, bottles, etc for babies; and
  • appropriate seasonal wear:
    • summer seasonal wear - lighter clothes, sweater, swimsuit, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, hats
    • winter seasonal wear - boots, jackets, mitts, hats, swim suit (indoor swimming)

DO NOT BRING ANY illicit drugs, alcohol or weapons, gang clothes or colours, clothing with obscenities or drug or alcohol logos or slogans, cell phones, electronics, video games, valuables, music or videos with explicit lyrics.

What is expected of me during the treatment program?

All clients must take an active part in their treatment process. This includes attending and actively participating in all sessions, and respecting the treatment process and healing journey of other clients. Failure to attend two sessions will result in a warning and failure to attend three sessions will result in early termination from the program.

Daily chores are required of all clients over ten years of age and all clients are expected to help keep the common areas tidy. Family units must also be kept clean.

When not in session, parents are required to look after their children.

BBox 84, Fort Alexander, Manitoba R0E 0P0    x204-367-2172    jToll Free: 1-866-329-0736

Unite Interactive